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Keyboard Shortcuts

If you often find yourself using the mouse to change the current tool you are using, you might be able to speed up the process by memorizing a few keyboard shortcuts. If you forget which key goes to which function, take a look at the menus.

Don't like a particular shortcut, or wish a menu item had one? You can change or add shortcuts via the Keyboard System Settings, under the "Application Shortcuts" section which you can read more about from Apple.


Move V
Zoom Z
Crop C
Pan H
Rectangular select M
Elliptical select Shift-M ⇧M
Free select Shift-M ⇧M
Polygonal select Shift-M ⇧M
Magic wand select W
Instant alpha E
Paint B
Pencil N
Flood fill/paint bucket K
Eraser E
Clone Shift-O ⇧O
Smudge Shift-O ⇧O
Dodge Shift-O ⇧O
Burn Shift-O ⇧O
Gradient G
Text T
Circle text TT
Path text TTT
Bézier pen P
Bézier freehand

Bézier anchor select A
Reset bézier control points Shift-C ⇧C
Line shape Semi-colon ;
Rectangle shape R
Oval shape O
Pick color Control-C ^C

Drawing & Color

Pick color Control-C ^C
Reset colors D
Swap colors X
Increase brush size Option-Control-Right drag or Right bracket ]
Decrease brush size Option-Control-Left drag or Left bracket [
Paint straight lines Shift-click

Convert brush to eraser Option-Command-drag

Toggle fill for a shape ⇧F
Toggle stroke for a shape ⇧B
Color profile ⇧⌘K


New layer Command-N ⌘N
New layer with selection Command-J ⌘J
New layer with cut selection Shift-Command-J ⇧⌘J
New shape layer Option-Shift-Command-N ⌥⇧⌘N
New group layer Command-G ⌘G
Ungroup layer Shift-Command-G ⇧⌘G
Delete layer Control-Command-Minus ^⌘-
Hide layer Control-Shift-Command-H ^⇧⌘H
Lock layer Option-Command-L ⌥⌘L
Duplicate layer Shift-Command-D ⇧⌘D
Bring to front Shift-Command-Right Bracket ⇧⌘]
Bring forward Option-Command-Right Bracket ⌥⌘]
Send backward Option-Command-Left Bracket ⌥⌘[
Send to back Shift-Command-Left Bracket ⇧⌘[
Merge down Command-E ⌘E
Merge visible Shift-Command-E ⇧⌘E
Merge visible to new layer Option-Shift-Command-E ⌥⇧⌘E
Select next layer Option-Right Bracket ⌥]
Select previous layer Option-Left Bracket ⌥[
Cycle transparency Single Digit Numbers 0,1-9
Delete contents of layer Delete Key
Scale and rotate Command-T ⌘T
Perspective transform Shift-Command-T ⇧⌘T
Hide other layers Option-click layer visibility icon


Zoom in Command-Plus ⌘+
Zoom out Command-Minus ⌘-
100% zoom Command-1 ⌘1
200% zoom Command-2 ⌘2
400% zoom Command-3 ⌘3
800% & 3500% toggle Command-4 ⌘4
50% & 25% toggle Command-5 ⌘5
Fit image in window Command-0 ⌘0
Full screen toggle F F
Zoom in/out Option-Mouse scroll

Zoom window Command-Forward slash ⌘/
Zoom all windows Option-Command-Forward slash ⌥⌘/


Show/hide palettes Tab Tab
Gather palettes Control-Command-Backslash ^⌘\
Colors palette Shift-Command-C ⇧⌘C
Filters Palette Shift-Command-F ⇧⌘F


Create new file Command-N ⌘N
New from clipboard Option-Command-N ⌥⌘N
Open existing file Command-O ⌘O
Open folder Shift-Command-O ⇧⌘O
Open Settings Command-Comma ⌘,
Close image Command-W ⌘W
Close all images Option-Command-W ⌥⌘W
Save image Command-S ⌘S
Save image as Shift-Command-S ⇧⌘S
Export image Option-Command-S ⌥⌘S
Web export image Option-Shift-Command-S ⌥⇧⌘S
File info Option-Shift-Command-I ⌥⇧⌘I
Minimize window Command-M ⌘M
Minimize all windows Option-Command-M ⌥⌘M
Hide Acorn Command-H ⌘H
Hide others Option-Command-H ⌥⌘H
Quit Acorn Command-Q ⌘Q
Print Command-P ⌘P
Page setup Shift-Command-P ⇧⌘P
Cycle through windows Command-Grave Accent ⌘`
Cycle through tabs Control-TAB ^⇥
Make new image from screenshot Shift-Command-6 ⇧⌘6


Rectangular M
Elliptical Shift-M ⌘M, S
Free select Shift-M ⌘M, S, L
Polygonal Shift-M ⌘M, S, L
Magic wand W
Select all Command-A ⌘A
Clear selection Command-D ⌘D
Hide selection Control-Command-H ^⌘H
Quick mask mode Q Q
Inverse selection Shift-Command-I ⇧⌘I
View selection as marching.. Command-Backslash ⌘\
Select next shape Control-Command-Right bracket ^⌘]
Select previous shape Control-Command-Left bracket ^⌘[
Copy Command-C ⌘C
Cut Command-X ⌘X
Paste Command-V ⌘V
Add to selection Hold Shift key as you drag

Subtract from selection Hold Option-Shift keys as you drag

Constrain to circle/square Shift-drag after starting selection ⇧ Drag
Reposition origin while drawing Spacebar-drag

Grow selection from middle Option-drag after starting selection

Selection from layer Double-click layer thumbnail image

Trim out selection Control-Option-Command-T ^⌥⌘T
Grow selection by 1 pixel Option-Arrow key

Grow selection by 10 pixels Option-Shift-Arrow key

Move selection Move tool or Arrow keys

Copy and move selection Option-Command drag

Paste into Shift-Command-V ⇧⌘V
Quick mask mode Q

Marque / Selection / Lasso (M/S/L) M selects the rectangular selection tool. Pressing shift-m or s multiple times will cycle through the rect, oval, free select, polygonal, and magic wand selection tools. Pressing L will toggle the free select and polygonal selection tools.


Undo last action Command-Z ⌘Z
Redo last action Shift-Command-Z ⇧⌘Z
Cancel operation Escape key ESC
Fill with front color well Option-Delete ⌥ ⌫
Fill with back color well Option-Shift-Delete ⌥⇧⌫
Fill panel Shift-Delete ⇧⌫
Delete layer contents Delete
Resize image Option-Command-I ⌥⌘I
Resize canvas Option-Command-C ⌥⌘C
Rotate canvas 90 clockwise Command-Right Bracket ⌘]
Rotate " " counterclockwise Command-Left Bracket ⌘[
Crop Option-Command-K ⌥⌘K
Trim to Edges Control-Command-T ^⌘T
Last filter Command-F ⌘F
Levels Command-L ⌘L
Auto-levels Shift-Command-L ⇧⌘L
Curves Shift-Command-M ⇧⌘M

Rulers, Guides, & Grids

Show ruler Command-R ⌘R
Toggle guides Option-Command-Semicolon ⌥⌘;
Toggle grid Command-Apostrophe ⌘’


Draw shape vectors/view shape outlines Command-Y ⌘Y
New shape layer Option-Shift-Command-N ⌥⇧⌘N
Bring to front Shift-Command-Up Arrow ⇧⌘ ↑
Bring forward Command-Up Arrow ⌘ ↑
Send backward Command-Down Arrow ⌘↓
Send to back Shift-Command-Down Arrow ⇧⌘ ↓
Select next shape Control-Command-Right Bracket ^⌘]
Select previous shape Control-Command-Left Bracket ^⌘[
Toggle fill for selected shape Shift-F ⇧F
Toggle stroke for selected shape Shift-B ⇧B


Text tool T
Move tool V
Bold Command-B ⌘B
Italic Command-I ⌘I
Underline Command-U ⌘U
Bigger Command-Greater Than ⌘>
Smaller Command-Lesser Than ⌘<
Tighten kerning Option-Command-Left Arrow ⌥⌘←
Tigthen kerning 10x Option-Shift-Command-Left Arrow ⌥⇧⌘←
Loosen kerning Option-Command-Right Arrow ⌥⌘→
Loosen kerning 10x Option-Shift-Command-Right Arrow ⌥⇧⌘→
Center text Command-Bar ⌘|
Spelling Command-Colon ⌘:
Check spelling Command-Semicolon ⌘;
Emoji & symboles Control-Command-Spacebar ^⌘ Spacebar


Command Key
^ Control Key
Option Key
Shift Key